Monthly Archives: October 2002

New Location: Still a…

New Location:

Still a little dusty I’m afraid while the cyber-workmen finish up, but posting is ongoing. Thanks for your patronage.

War Liberal Okay, there’s nothing much to see t…

War Liberal

Okay, there’s nothing much to see there yet (except the Blogroll from Hell) but I am migrating over to Moveable Type. The new URL will be, though that might change in the future. New posting will be there, and once I figure out how I’ll transfer my old posts. Maybe.

Site Note Sorry, I was away today, nothing to s…

Site Note

Sorry, I was away today, nothing to see here. I’m now working on moving over to MT, and will post the slightly different URL when that happens. Yeah, I’m trying to make the mo…

Yeah, I’m trying to make the move. I’ve got it part of the way there, and have hit the wall. Anyone out there who can give a hand and walk a technical klutz through this? If so, can you drop me a line? I DISAGREE with the assumption…

I DISAGREE with the assumption behind the campaign to restore felons’ right to vote. I think the real problem is that there are too many felonies. Felonies used to be serious crimes, involving a likelihood of capital punishment. Now pretty much any crime is likely to be a felony…

Jeez, he’s right. Why didn’t I think of that? I don’t have any problem with taking voting rights away from, say, rapists and murderers.

WB Reviving MacGyver? First Superman, now the W…

WB Reviving MacGyver?

First Superman, now the WB wants to do Young MacGyver. Oh, dear.

Odd Search Requests from the Domain …

Odd Search Requests from the Domain

Google Search: woody harrelson guardian iraq october

Again With the Pteropundit Cannon Wh…

Again With the Pteropundit Cannon Wheeled in to Shoo Birds

Overkill, much? Well, at least it isn’t Cristina Aguilera.

Starlings are nesting under a bridge between Washington and Oregon, and the authorities haven’t been able to get rid of them. The cannon is their latest effort; it’s propane-powered and doesn’t shoot projectiles, but it does make a big noise. I would think that the starlings would be pretty much used to loud noises, what with living under a road, and “Terry Messmer, a Utah State University expert on starling control” (yes, there’s an expert on everything) says that the birds will get used to the sound and come back if there’s no threat.

Includes mandatory Hitchcock reference.

From the Pteropundit CDs used to discourage bir…

From the Pteropundit

CDs used to discourage birds from perching

The courthouse steps in Lisbon, Ohio, were getting covered in pigeon poop. (At least it wasn’t cormorants.) So the commissioners turned to CDs to get rid of the pigeons.

I read the headline and I figured they played the new Cristina Aguilera album at the birds and scared them away. But no, they took used CDs and hung them by fishing line from the tower they’re trying to keep the birds away from. The disks reflect light which scares the pigeons. I wonder, though, about what happens at night.

From the Pteropundit Birds on the march If I…

From the Pteropundit

Birds on the march

If I had any talent for it, that would be a parody song title.

Anyway, “mobs” of emus are running around Victoria, Australia, devouring an already poor wheat crop. There’s a drought on and the emus have swam over (emus can swim?) from New South Wales in search of food.