Daily Archives: June 9, 2008

This is totally the business of municipal authorities

Update: Langford, to save fuel, urges an end to Saturday mail delivery – Breaking News from The Birmingham News – al.com

“If you get a letter on Saturday there’s nothing you can do about it till Monday anyway,” Langford said later this afternoon. “We’ve got to look at every way possible to conserve gasoline.”

Do you think Larry knows that people get things in the mail on Saturday other than letters? Or that people often do their personal business on the weekends? Or that mail trucks and planes will still be running even if there’s no delivery? Or that he’s not the President of the United States?

“I’m Harri Anne Smith, and I’m a hateful loon whose parents wanted a boy.”

Harri Anne Smith is running for Congress, as is her right. However, she is a crazy woman of the type who calls into talk shows to complain about minor inconveniences.

Via Daily Dixie

You have got to be kidding me. “OOOOOOOHHH, two whole seconds to choose a language!” What’s more, Smith doesn’t seem to understand how government works. Congress doesn’t enforce the laws. Congress makes laws. The executive branch (that would be George W. Bush and his gang) is supposed to enforce laws. They aren’t, of course, but that’s what they’re supposed to do. Of course, she’s all in favor of the President deciding not to obey the law, until it’s President Obama.

All Miss Alabamas are required to prove that they have shaved their underarms

New Miss Alabama Amanda Tapley eager to give back- al.com

See, clean!

Paperwork, ugh

Birmingham city councilors demand capital budget from mayor- al.com

They’re saying that BMLL should have given them budgets separated into the operating and capital budgets, instead of one big pile with the money for Fair Park and the Birmingdome included next to operating expenses. And I suppose they’re right. At the same time, Deborah Vance (BMLL’s Chief of Staff) has a point when she says that they had plenty of time with the draft of the document to ask for this.