Daily Archives: June 16, 2008

Fun with the humor-impaired

Oh, sure « Thomason Tracts

Some people, through no fault of their own, are unable to tell when someone is making a joke, no matter how obvious it is. One of these unfortunates is known only as “Bob”. He is one of the worst cases, the humor-impaired (™Dave Barry) individual who thinks he’s funny.

(To be fair to “Bob”, I just added the “Posts Where I Am Obviously Joking” tag to the post — this was a pre-tags Blogger post originally.)

I hope this continues tomorrow!

UPDATE: Richard Scrushy in Birmingham courtroom to answer questions – Breaking News from The Birmingham News – al.com

I’ve been subpoenaed (don’t ask, it doesn’t really have anything to do with me) and will have to be in the same courthouse tomorrow. Just think, me and Scrushy, same building, both telling judges they don’t know anything about that. Only I’ll be telling the truth.

Stunning news

Jefferson County officials to consider reducing number of consultants working on sewer debt crisis- al.com

Of course, if they want to follow standard Republican procedure, they could just pay the ones they’re keeping more.